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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hazel's first Halloween

Happy Halloween! For my first foray into this unusual American tradition, my parents dressed me up as a Tootsie Roll, but from the head up, I look a little like a flying nun. Either way, I think I'm pretty cute. It's too bad my parents are going to score all of the candy until I grow some teeth, though. Maybe next year I can try out this Tootsie Roll thing.

My mom and me at the PEP Halloween party where I hung out with my other small peeps from the mommy group.

This is Hazel and her boyfriend Dean--they share the same birthday and the parents have decided that they are destined to get married because they both have old people names.

Yet one more photo shoot by my obsessed mom...this time in my froggy pajamas.

And finally last but most definitely not least: earlier this week I had lunch with my peeps, Emilia, for a delicious bowl of pho (Vietnamese chicken noodle soup). We had a great time together, laughing about old times when I was only 4 weeks old...good times, good times.

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